Root cause of acne in teenage girls

« ...In most of the acne sufferers the problem starts during puberty when the body produces hormones known as androgens. Androgens cause enlargement of sebaceous glands. However, this problem tends to persist and most women experience this problem during the onset of menstruation cycle....
...Tea tree oil is one of the natural acne cures that have caught the attention of a lot of people, primarily because it does work wonders. This natural oil comes from Australia's alternifoliasis trees. Tea tree oil is particularly effective in dealing with acne because it has terpenes. Terpenes are actually substances that fight off bacteria that cause acne. So, if your condition is caused by bacteria, then you can definitely try the application of tea tree oil....»
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«...Adolescence acne (Acne Vulgaris). Preteen acne and adolescent acne (which may persist into adulthood)....»
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tags: best home remedy for acne, acne natural, is acne a side of pregnancy